Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Annotated Bibliography (c)

IN151 Assignment Three: Annotated Bibliography (c)
Alterman, Eric. “Introduction: Bias, Slander, and BS”. What Liberal Media?. New York, NY: Basic Books, 2003. 1-13. Print.

Alterman, a self proclaimed liberal, starts his satirical outlook on media bias by telling us to “pick up a newspaper or turn on your TV”.  Media’s bias suits both the conservatives and the liberals, but sways to one side or the other, depending on what “social scientists” you talk to.  Stories are exaggerated and “liberal media” is “a myth”.  Republicans utilize the biggest tool of persuasion by demonizing the left.  Dwight Eisenhower degrades the liberal media who “sought to undermine the Republican Party’s efforts” to improve our nation.  Conservatives use the SCLM, or so-called liberal media, as an excuse for conservative failures.  Disproving the right proves easy to do.  Anne Coulter, a Republican and former MSNBC pundit, thinks all journalists are “retarded”.  Bernard Goldberg, author of Bias, uses just that, biases, as his success.  Self parodies at an all-time high, Goldberg breaks his “omerta” by attacking colleagues.  His failure to prove the liberal bias lies in his inability to do adequate research.  Social broadcasts, soaked with his “own experiences” discredits him completely.  Despite right-wing ravings, the media is an “independent beast”.  With the conservatives screaming for war, and the public confused on media bias, the time is right for America to “even up the sides a bit”.  

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